Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hope Echoes

Today I begin. I have read blogs for a year and now it is time. I will join the game. I chose Hope Echoes because I wanted to reflect my frame of mind and my mission. I want "hope" to "echo" in my life and beyond my own life.

The echoes are the sound waves. They keep on going as they collide and return back to the source. Echoes are sometimes unexpected. Echoes are never as loud as the original source. I hear echoes in my life. Things that go out and come back.

The "hope" is hope for things to come. Hope for better days. I hope for many things. My greatest hope is in the Lord. In these dark December days, hope was born. Light shines in the darkness.

So far, I am not very interesting, not very funny. I hope I get better at this.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Hey! We both started blogs in late December. I'm glad you started a blog. I think you are both interesting and funny. Thanks for playing!