Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Ground Hogs Day

 If there were ever a silly holiday, it is Ground Hogs Day.  The ground hog sees his shadow and we have 6 more weeks of winter.  Who invented such a day? It appears to be some of my ancestors, the Dutch people in America.  They looked at the ground hog (or badger in Europe) and if the weather was clear on Candlemas then there would be 6 more weeks of winter.

You don't hear a lot about Candlemas on Ground Hogs Day. Candlemas is the celebration of the presentation of Jesus at the temple and the purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I remember being at Mass once and receiving candles that were blessed for my home.  It seems a big reach to think about ground hogs and weather.

Still, this is Ground Hogs Day and I will be looking to see if the skies are clear today.  And maybe I will light a candle when I pray this morning.

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