Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Spark Joy

 That Tidying Up lady advises one to get rid of things that don't spark joy.  I watched all of those episodes on Netflix and I set out before the pandemic to tidy up.  Unfortunately, I didn't get very far before the pandemic and all the babysitting happened and I lost track of the plan to tidy up.

As I return to that thought, take the pin out of it, if you will, I am finding it hard to find anything that spark joy.  All my things seem to make me feel tired and overburdened.  I hate to throw away perfectly good things, but why keep things that I don't want?  I am making boxes to donate where I can, but the stress apple with my name on it probably needs to hit the trash. I don't even think that I would give it to the grandchildren to play with.  I am not sure what it is made of. And there are more things like that.  I just need to feel bolder at throwing things away.  I hate the thought of over burdened landfills.  But, is my house meant to be an overburdened landfill?

As I gaze at these things, I am finding it hard to spark joy with anything. Chocolate, maybe I spark joy at chocolate.  I won't be throwing that away. But, the stress apple is already in the trash.

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