Monday, August 10, 2020

Morning Ballet

 When I was a kid I had two ballet books.  One of them was called On Your Toes, Susie and the other was something about a ballet family.  I dreamed very briefly of being a ballerina.  But, I was short, stocky, and clumsy, so not a natural talent.  And my parents couldn't afford lessons.  Self taught ballet at nine with out even the internet wasn't possible.  I gave up my five minute dream of being a ballerina.

Through the years I wasn't much of a dancer.  I exercised to tapes but Jazzercize was too challenging for me in a number of ways.  I largely became a walker over the years as my exercise of choice.  I like the outdoors and the movement in the sunshine.  Then injuries to my heel and knee slowed me down a lot.  I never really fully recovered from the Achilles tendon injury.  I still try to be careful not to over tax the tendon.  

My right knee has become bone on bone over the years.  A doctor in my thirties predicted I would have a knee replacement by 60. I qualify for one now, that illusive new knee.  But I did physical therapy a couple of years ago to see if I could strengthen the knee and put off surgery.  It was hard work and I really didn't think that it would help.  But, I did it because from what I read about knew replacements it seemed wise to put it off as long as possible.

The main physical therapy that helped involved side leg lifts (20 times each leg), front leg lifts the same, laying on my stomach and bending each knee as far as I can 15 times each, and finally leg stretch and holds for each leg.  I do these each morning before I get out of bed.  It is my morning ballet.

Over the past couple of years my legs and knees have gotten stronger and stronger. I still feel the pain sometimes.  I am old and fat and arthritic.  I can't change some of that.  I know if I lose weight it will help a lot and I try, I really do.  I still hope and plan for that.  But, I have to say that my morning ballet does a lot to keep me moving.  Two years out I am still stronger and more able to walk.  When I wake up and start exercising I think of myself and a morning ballerina.

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