Tuesday, July 28, 2020

When Life Gives You Lemons

I saw my doctor a week or so ago.  I have to go every 6 months because I have various issues. It makes me feel old.  Perhaps because I am getting there, old. Among the good things about the six month visits are that I can ask about little issues that I probably would not have gone to the doctor about.  One of those is a burning feeling on my neck.  It comes and it goes, but who wants to feel burning on their neck?  Not me.

My doctor poked around on my neck.  He concluded that it is my salivary gland.  Dry mouth?  Not drinking enough liquid?  Yes, sometimes.  I thought maybe there would be a prescription for it.  Some pill or spray that I would have to remember to do twice a day for the rest of my life.

Nope.  He suggested that I buy some lemons.  I should cut them in 4ths.  When I experience the burning feeling, suck on a lemon.  So, I bought some lemons and tried it and it works.  Life has given me lemons, but I am not making lemonade with them.

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