Sunday, May 12, 2019

Pie Garden

Instead of a load of tomatoes and zucchini that produced almost nothing last year, this year I am planting a pie garden.  (That being said, I need to get some pumpkin seeds.)  I ordered a thorn-less blackberry bush which won't produce until next year.  The rhubarb from last year has survived the winter and is growing gangbusters.  Hence, pie garden.  I also threw in some carrot and radish seeds which seem to be coming up, so salad with my pie?  This year I decided to do something for the pollinators who seemed to be largely missing last year.  I planted marigold and petunias in the back vegetable garden.

While I worked on the garden today a very ambitious bird family chirped nearby.  I found the nest under my deck, but I didn't get a really good look at the birds.  Dark top, white underneath, smallish, but I don't think it was a house sparrow.  It almost looked more like a swallow.  I will continue to investigate.  (If I am subletting, I like to know something about the family.)

My front walkway is still suffering from rocks.  Hint:  don't put lava rocks in your garden.  I have been picking rocks for three years and I still have another year or two to go.  I planted lilies, pinks, petunias, and marigolds.  I moved some yarrow around.  I have decided not to do a rose bush at this house.  Roses are difficult in this climate.  The previous owners left a bleeding heart and columbine.  Someday I would like to get a peony.

So, all this said, I finally feel like this is my house.  I am home. After three moves in three years, I can put down roots. The transplant has taken.  I can plant a pie garden. I am home.

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