Thursday, December 30, 2021

I Can't Help But Wonder

 I received a Christmas card from someone I haven't seen for a long long time.  This person was a friend of someone I am no longer associated with (perhaps an ex-something). There is no way this person could have my address except that my no longer associate has given it to them.

I followed my usual policy of throwing the card in the trash without opening it.  For me that kind of communication is a can of worms. I tend to get upset, perhaps want to address misconceptions or lies that are reflected in the communication.  I am not a person who shrugs things off easily. I have learned that it isn't wise or even safe to communicate with people who are no longer a part of my life.

But, this is what I wonder--why would someone send a Christmas card to someone that they haven't seen in 30 years and only knew briefly then?  What business is it of theirs who I am and what I am doing? I am following the sage advice of a counselor who advised me once--other people's opinions of me are none of my business and just because somebody asks, doesn't mean I have to answer.

Still, I wonder why someone would think this was any of their business and why Christmas would be a time to communicate? I guess I will never know and I really don't care. Sometimes it is better if old acquaintances are forgotten and never brought to mind.

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