Saturday, October 2, 2021

Boring Post for Saturday--Daniel Tiger

 My grandson's favorite television program is Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  His second favorite show is This Old House.  His parents limit screen time.  But, Grandson counts on at least 2 Daniel Tiger episodes a day.  I think he has them memorized.  He watches one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  I am not sure whether my granddaughter really likes those shows, but it is all she gets.  Since she like ducks I am not sure which shows she would like.

I take my grandson on Saturday morning to play sometimes.  I don't take my granddaughter.  She is still very attached to her mom.  A couple of weeks ago when I had Grandson at my house, she got tired and crabby.  I think she had a cold.  So, her parents put on an episode on Daniel tiger for her to watch and chill out.  Her mom told me that Granddaughter immediately started calling for her brother.  She ran through room after room calling her brother's name.  Mom kept telling her that brother wasn't home.  Finally she listened and sat and watched the episode.

It was a funny story.  It makes me wonder how the concept of object permanence develops in a toddler's mind.  Obviously, my granddaughter isn't there yet.

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