Monday, September 27, 2021

Running on Empty

 As I sit here I am out of ideas.  What to write about?  Where am I in this life journey? I have been taking care of business of late.  I have had medical tests, squirrels trapped and gone. Cleaning to have a better life.  But, most of my thoughts aren't worth sharing.

I have been following the story of the young bloggers who had a bad end to the trip in the Grand Tetons.  I have theories about why that story resonated in my life, but nothing I want to share on this forum.  Following the story it seems to me that the hitch hiking incident was an initial attempt to establish an alibi.  The parents who went to the public library in Orlando were probably planning to use the computers.  Public computers in public libraries are an easy place to communicate without having one's devices watched by the FBI. I think the kid has been gone since that camping trip with his family after he first got home.  I hope that they find him.  I hope that the parents are punished for aiding and abetting. But, I am letting go of following all the details of the story.  I need to move on.

I am planning to get my Covid booster soon.  I plan to get a flu shot for regular flu. I have resumed walking and it is hard. I am older and fatter.  I do feel encouraged by the wider body images on TV.  It is a little shocking at first to me.  The images have all been skinny skinny people for all my life.

As you can see, I am running on empty.  I don't have anything to write about.  I haven't for a while.  I used to have opinions and things I wanted to share.  I am re-evaluating.

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