Saturday, March 20, 2021

Boring Post for Saturday--Scavenger Hunt

 I have purchased an assortment of games to play with my grandson.  I was surprised that they make games that can be played by the 2 year old set.  But, they do.  And they are fun.  I have First Orchard and Monkey Around, both of which are loads of fun for an adult to play with a 2 year old, in short bursts.  The Monkey Around comes with a gameboard that allows 5 responses before the game is complete.  At least initially that was about the attention span of the 2 year old.  We play more than one round these days as he approaches 3 years old.  In the Orchard game we play against the raven, so either we all win or all lose.  It is a game with good practice in naming colors, rolling a die, and moving a game piece.  As I mentioned, both games are lots of fun.

Emboldened by my successes with game purchasing I have moved on to some additional games. One involves using shape pieces to make pictures.  It seems more like a "project" than a game to me.  Another one is a simple scavenger hunt that I thought would be fun.  It went over like a lead balloon at first. It has cards with simple items that can be found around the house like a spoon or a sock.  My grandson did not seem to understand, or perhaps didn't like finding these objects around his house.  The other day though he got his hands on the cards and "played" by himself.  The cards have written words and a picture of the items that the child is supposed to find.  My grandson can't read the words, but he can see the pictures.  So, sitting by himself he looked at a card and said, "Can you find a spoon?" Then he pointed to the picture on the card and said, "There's a spoon." and so on to the next card.  It really simplified the game.  But, I am not sure that was the point.

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