Isn't it funny how big bad troubles loom large and ruin the rest of your life? At least they do that for me. Since August I have been dealing with the IRS saying that I hadn't paid my taxes, even though I had. I was called for the first time ever to federal jury duty and I am not even going to weekend Mass because it doesn't feel safe. And I pulled an old gold crown off of a tooth and I am starting with a new dentist. There are some other issues, but those are the biggest worries.
I have been praying about these things and seeking advice. I have done what I could. I called and made appointments and filled out forms and checked things. But, accept for showing up at the dentist at the time I made the appointment, there wasn't a whole lot I could do about these things. Praying is a big thing, but not something that most people would understand. The answer isn't always straight forward and what I want for one thing.
But, in this case I was able to get into the dentist and he cleaned and re-glued the crown in less than an hour. The federal court has deferred my jury duty until sometime next year. I look forward to serving when I am not worried about a deadly pandemic. And finally, the IRS cashed my check, so they received my money and my tax problems are over. At least for this year.
In this world there will be troubles, but God has conquered the world. Or something like that. And truly most problems aren't so easily solved and fixable. Most have twists and turns and winding paths, but in these three instances, the troubles took care of themselves. Amen
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