Monday, August 17, 2020

Boy, Oh, Boy

Now I am not saying that a grand-daughter wouldn't and couldn't have done the same thing, but use of muscles and strong-arming things was attributed to boys in my growing up years, so when my grandson does a muscle-y thing, I tend to think, Boy, Oh, Boy.

I had my grandson at my house on Friday afternoon.  He is 2 and a couple of months. He is not yet a big talker.  He has recently started to say NO, which is music to my ears, because everybody has to go through a "no" phase. As I have said, he is a young man of few words.  There is no asking him and expecting an answer as to why he does something. He just keeps these reasons to himself behind his deep blue eyes. What are you thinking, I want to ask.

Anyway, to the story part. I was using the bathroom at my house on Friday, door closed because I was going to be quick.  Grandson was well snacked and playing with something and I was going to be quick, and I was.  But as I was doing my business behind closed doors I hear scooting and pulling and hauling going on.  I would have been alarmed if I had not quickly figured out what was going on.  The ball/water table (sans water) was being moved down my long hallway by the 2 year old.

By the time I was done with business the table was sitting at the end of the hallway in front of the bathroom.  And there it stopped.  Why?  Did he think I wanted it in the bathroom or that he wanted to keep playing with it and be close to me at the same time?  Did he think the hallway was a better location?  I have no answers to these questions and he isn't answering.  So, I left it there.  

It is a little inconvenient walking around the thing in my hallway.  My grandson is only at my house once or twice a week these days, so I will probably move it eventually.  But, boys (or maybe girls) but kids, they do the funniest things.  At least from an adult perspective.

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